February 15, 2008

Bad Dog

On my way into the kitchen this morning for a second cup of tea, I discovered Katie in the hall with my (brand new) Chibis between her paws. Apparently, she thought the label said CHEWbi. She is so in the dog house for this one. But, if you're wondering? The plastic case is pretty strong...


Anonymous said...

at the risk of unmasking myself for the rube that i am, what's a chibi? cmr.

Anonymous said...

More importantly, why was the Chibi case in her way? Clearly, it had been put there for her--if not, it would have been properly secured.

And, all things considered, it's not like she ate your yarn!


P.S. CMR, these are needles for seaming; they're gold and have a curved point and are really nice to work with. But the case is the selling the point--some people actually try to collect the different cases. This is the first clear one I've seen.

knitizen said...

seize the moment, supersize it and patent this new chewbi toy. katie is telling you this is the new toy for discriminating dawgs!