February 25, 2008

Weekend Photos

A snowy weekend here. We woke up on Friday to a couple inches, and Katie and I had a nice long walk. That dog sure does love the snow.

Over the course of the day, it snowed even harder, and most things were closed. Everything was really pretty, actually. (My friend cauchy snapped this pic, which perfectly captures a favorite stretch that Kate and I pass through on our morning walks.) Today it's warm and sunny, so much of the snow has melted--which is okay too, because underneath? spring bulbs are poking through.


Rima said...
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Rima said...

Good morning!
Oh yes. She loves snow!
Looking at your doggie pictures, I am reminded that I should post some pictures of our dog at my parents' home. Soon.

Anonymous said...

That is ONE impish animal! :)cmr.

Anonymous said...

B, she looks exactly like Miranda. Who loves snow almost as much as Katie does.