March 30, 2008

Favorite Blogs and a Dog Birthday

I'm kind of between knitting projects, and although I've finished a few things that were IP and swatched for others, nothing has seemed worth writing about. I did, however, make some changes to my blog--my inspiration came from Rima at Yarny Days who recently honored me with this award. As I thought about the knitbloggers who make my day, I realized most have received this award--some more than once. So I decided to (finally) add a "Favorite Blogs" list to this page which includes those knitters and which, of course, I will update as needed. But the blogs and websites listed there are ones I visit regularly.

Here's why.

If I didn't know cauchy09, for real (i.e., not just on the internets), I might not believe an ordinary person capable of such knitting feats as you'll see on her Flickr photo page. This girl is one fine knitter (and quilter). It's her I have to thank for introducing me to sock knitting--which is how I came to be a fan of Cosmicpluto Knits!, whose short row heel tutorial is just one of the many reasons to visit her blog. Knitizen always has the best newest pattern on her needles, and you can see the results at Daily Fiber Intake and, if you're on Ravelry, her projects page . If, like me, your love for dogs is equal to or greater than your love for knitting, you've probably already discovered Dogged Knits and On and Off the Needles. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. (Sit! Stay!) Dogs are also featured frequently along with fabulous knitting and, now, weaving at Lolly Knitting Around.

Now, I'm not sure if, having received the "You Make My Day Reward," I can re-award it to the person who awarded it to me, but I am a total fan of Rima's blog, which most recently treated readers to her knitting and crafting adventures in India.

Of course some of my favorite knitters don't have blogs, but their Ravelry project pages totally make my day. If you have access to that site, check out project pages by craodc46 and Gruffy. I regularly raid their queues, but, hey, what are best friends for?

I didn't post about knitting last week, but I did want to make a point of mentioning that on March 22, a certain beloved black and white dog celebrated her sixth birthday. Here she is posing politely by her plate of homemade dog birthday biscuits. (I won't tell you how many biscuits she snagged while posing and, thus, how many shots it took us to get this one picture.)


Lolly said...

thank you so much! I love your blog name - and I too love dogs and knitting, so we have a lot in common ;)

Rima said...

Hello! Thanks for the re-award :)
As you know, I am back and trying to get back to real life. But it has been difficult--my best friend is in town and I have just been lollygaging and procrastinating.

Anonymous said...

How sweet of you to mention moi in your wonderful blog! cmr.

knitizen said...

wow, what a lovely shout out--thanks so much! and a big paw to paw high five to the 6 year old in your house. Katie looks totally angelic--perfect biscuit-swiping stance.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the undeserved mention--I guess you're hoping I'll update my rav page. Maybe when the semester ends.


cauchy09 said...

Aww thanks, B! We should make a yarn pilgrimage again some time before the end of sabbatical. Let me know if you're up for it...