October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Rice Crispy Ghosts from Recipezaar

So I finished the the second of my Falling Leaves socks and, for some bizarre reason, it's bigger than the first sock. I cannot figure out what went wrong. Same needles, same yarn, same me, bigger sock. It's a Halloween mystery. I've already frogged sock #2. I'm going to try again on smaller needles, but if that doesn't work, I'm not sure what I'll do--probably just frog the whole project. Sometimes, knitting is hard.


cauchy09 said...

oh, no! but the socks are really pretty... good luck!

Rima said...

Grrr. I feel your sock pain.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened to me a few years ago. I was so disgusted, I frogged the second one but never got around to the first one. I think my tension changed--once I knew the pattern, I became more relaxed, though it hasn't happened with any other socks since then. I think when I put a lot of time between finishing the first and starting the second there's actually less variation in my hand because the second one becomes almost new again. The other thing that might help is doing two at the same time, either on the same needle (which I liked but found totally unportable) or on separate needles at the same time (do the socks in the stages).

Did anyone eat those disgusting ghosts by the way?